Chiedilo ai miei occhiali da sole – Ask my sunglasses

Chiedilo ai miei occhiali da sole – Ask my sunglasses

Chiedilo ai miei occhiali  da sole perchè ho gli occhi stanchi che non hanno voglia di sorridere. Chiedi a loro le delusioni che nascondono. Le occhiaie da social sharing a notte fonda e risvegli all’alba da mamma. 

Ask my sunglasses why my eyes are tired and don’t feel like smiling. Ask them the disappointments they hide. The dark circles from social sharing till late at night and from waking at dawn to be a mum. 

Chiedilo ai miei occhiali da sole – Ask my sunglasses

Chiedilo ai miei occhiali  da sole perchè il mio sguardo è triste. La mia passione per la moda non è diminuita. La voglia di condividere con le mie amate lettrici *grazie* idee su come sentirsi ed essere più carine è sempre la stessa. La determinazione a mantenere questo spazio rosa e senza pensieri è più forte che mai. Il problema è voler essere una fashion blogger in una community – quella Italiana – che fa sembrare Pretty Little Liars il villaggio dei Puffi. Non ho mai nascosto il mio essere un po’ naïve, anzi ne vado orgogliosa, per questo mi piace definirmi  “una fashion blogger per amica”. Essere naïve non mi porterà lontano, nell’Olimpo delle auto-proclamate top fashion influencers, ma vicino alle voi più vere, che state leggendo le mie parole perchè vi piaccio così come sono, e vi fidate di me.

Chiedilo ai miei occhiali da sole – Ask my sunglasses

Ask my sunglasses why my look is sad. My passion for fashion has not subsided.  My will to share with my beloved readers * thank you * my personl advice on how to feel good about themselves and how to look prettier is undiminished.  My determination to keep this space pink and carefree is stronger than ever. The problem is wanting to be a fashion blogger in a community – the Italian one – that makes Pretty Little Liars look like The Smurf village. I have never hidden my naïvete on certain worldy matters. I’m indeed proud to be naïve and to call myself a friendly fashion blogger. Being naïve will not bring me far, up in the Olympus of self-proclaimed top fashion influencers, yet close to the true you, who are reading my words because you like me as I am, and you trust me. I have a question for my international readers: is fashion blogging in your country as a distressing and backstabbing affair as in Italy? Or is Italy once more standing out for its undercounter unfair play?

Chiedilo ai miei occhiali da sole - Ask my sunglasses

Chiedilo ai miei occhiali da sole – Ask my sunglasses

Chiedilo ai miei occhiali da sole - Ask my sunglasses

Chiedilo ai miei occhiali da sole – Ask my sunglasses

Chiedilo ai miei occhiali da sole - Ask my sunglasses

Chiedilo ai miei occhiali da sole – Ask my sunglasses

Chiedilo ai miei occhiali da sole - Ask my sunglasses

Chiedilo ai miei occhiali da sole – Ask my sunglasses

Chiedilo ai miei occhiali da sole - Ask my sunglasses

Chiedilo ai miei occhiali da sole – Ask my sunglasses

Chiedilo ai miei occhiali da sole – Ask my sunglasses – Outfit details

Indosso/ I’m wearing: Occhiali da sole/Sunglasses, Ray-Ban via – Collana con ciondolo a cuore / Necklace with heart-shaped charm, Ink Project – Ph. Camilla Micheli è una giovane realtà e-commerce che offre un’ampia gamma di occhiali da sole e da vista delle più grandi marche. Affidabilità e professionalità sono garantite dall’esperienza maturata nella gestione dei loro punti vendita. La qualità del servizio e del prodotto sono garantite da… me, che ho avuto modo di testarle in prima persona. Lookeronline is a young e-commerce retailing a wide range of designer sunglasses and eyeglasses. Their reliability and know-how are vouched for by the experience gained throughout the management of their retail stores. The quality of the service and of the product are vouched for by… me, who could test them first-hand.

Grazie a Ink Project per aver reso indossabile l’opera d’arte unica e preziosa realizzata dalla mia piccola gioia. Sia l’artista che la sua musa sono innamorate di questo gioiello speciale. Huge thanks to Ink Project for actually manufacturing the one-of-a-kind artpiece created by my little princess. Both the artist and her muse are in love with this very special jewel.

P.S. Se vi va date un’occhiata anche a questo post sul fashion blogging in Italia. If you feel like it check out this other post on fashion blogging in Italy.

Grazie per aver visitato  Coco et La vie en rose fashion blog.

Thank you for being here and following Coco et La vie en rose fashion blog.

Con affetto / With love,


 una fashion blogger per amica – your friendly fashion blogger

Una lettura fashion al giorno / Worthy fashion read of the day

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  1. miharu julie - Febbraio 4, 2015

    Great outfit
    love the necklace

    New post in

  2. Kim of A Very Sweet Blog - Febbraio 4, 2015

    I’ve been blogging for years now, and fashion blogging is so competitive Val. It can get very ugly. My first blog was a fashion blog where I TALKED about fashion (no outfit posts) and people got really mean spirited hahaha I was successful but it was too much for me. Jealousy and such. Stay true to yourself. I think you’re doing a fabulous job. It’s work. There are ups and downs. But your beautiful, stylish and have a kind heart. Hang in there doll.

  3. Fabiola Tinelli - Febbraio 4, 2015

    Vale sono innamorata di quelle scarpe e adoro la clutch!

  4. Vale - Febbraio 4, 2015

    Valeria cara, più che naive sei una vera signora, di classe, una donna che lavora e ha una vita piena e che vive la sua passione di fashion blogger nel modo giusto, senza sciocca e immotivata arroganza o competitività esagerata. Io adoro seguirti e mi riconosco nel tuo modo di essere. E’ proprio il caso di dire che signori si nasce…e blogger si diventa ! Sei bellissima con questo look, stai benissimo con i leggings e che belli questi occhiali da sole ! Baci

    Fashion and Cookies

  5. Rowena - Febbraio 4, 2015

    I think fashion blogging is tough no matter where you are unless you started really early or are really connected. Your style is always fantastic Valeria and I’m sure you will get the recognition you deserve in due time.

  6. Jackie Harrison - Febbraio 4, 2015

    I’m loving this outfit with the cool shades is sexy and fierce you look beautiful.

  7. Flavia artpassion - Febbraio 4, 2015

    Bellissimo post, hai messo tanto di te in quelle parole!
    Il ciondolo è meraviglioso.

  8. Carmy - Febbraio 5, 2015

    davvero belli questi occhiali e mi sono innamorata di quella borsa! 🙂

  9. Emmy - Febbraio 5, 2015

    Oh no:( So sorry to hear this, Valeria. I do hear that blogging, esp. once you get big, can get pretty nasty. Sigh…why can’t we just all get along?
    Anyhoo, I’m a no-namer and pretty much live in my own bubble, so I don’t see this myself. Whatever’s going on behind the scenes, just hang in there. XOXO

  10. libys11 - Febbraio 5, 2015

    fierce and trendy look!! 😀

    Animated Confessions

  11. Constance - Febbraio 5, 2015

    Love the dress and those sunglasses are amazing, you look very chic Coco!

  12. Elisabetta Bertolini - Febbraio 5, 2015

    ma quanto è caruccia la pochette?? VIVA LE FRANGETTE :d

    Elizabeth Bailey fashion Blog

  13. Sonia - Febbraio 5, 2015

    It’s interesting you say this Coco, I’ve thought about this on many occasions. I’ve had an inkling that the whole world of blogging was like one big high school class. Small groups all segregated into communities and even though most like to mingle and help their fellow bloggers out there are other groups not willing to mesh with the masses. Who prefer their exclusivity and want the cretins out. I don’t know how this all plays out here, but I did notice a while back a separation from the “big” players. The ones who have now made a name for themselves internationally and the ones that remain “it” with the blogging community alone. I won’t go into exact details about the situation, even though it played out on Twitter but from then I decided not to force myself too much with bloggers over here. I stopped supporting those who wouldn’t support me and I’m glad I did. There was a lot of “fakeness” about it and since then I’ve made so many amazing friends from so many amazing countries and I am so thankful for that. It’s hard to get into that circle Coco and I wish I could give you a giant hug right now. Stay true to you and continue being awesome and being all pink girl.


  14. Jeanne - Febbraio 5, 2015

    Mi piace questo look rock Valeria! Sei bellissima! Adorabili questi occhiali rossi!
    Un bacione!

  15. Ange - Febbraio 5, 2015

    Anche a me piace molto questk look molto street style!
    Settimana della moda in arrivo!!

  16. Nilu Yuleena Thapa - Febbraio 5, 2015

    You look so stunning Valeria! Those sunglasses are spot on and so is your style!
    Nilu Yuleena
    BIG hair LOUD mouth

  17. Bonnemine - Febbraio 5, 2015

    Non essere triste e continua per la tua strada! Bellissimi gli occhiali e la collana! New post http://

  18. Jasmine - Febbraio 5, 2015

    Coco, I think the same happens in every country. If you are true to yourself, your readers will appreciate it, no matter what other people or bloggers say. You look amazing. I love especially the jacket. Have a wonderful day and cheer up, you are amazing!

    Jasmine x
    For a Real Woman

  19. Martina - Febbraio 5, 2015

    Ciao Valeria, capisco e condivido la tua amarezza, ma stai facendo veramente un ottimo lavoro! Se hai bisogno di un’altra blogger per amica io sono qui! <3
    Un bacione

  20. Elisa - Febbraio 5, 2015

    Bella bella! 🙂

    Un bacione e buona giornata,

  21. Maggie Dallospedale - Febbraio 5, 2015

    Mia splendida Valeria, credimi che non ho bisogno di chiedere ai tuoi occhiali da sole, perché so che donna meravigliosa sei e che mamma fantastica. So che non sei capace di fare “giochetti” e so che tu VIVI secondo valori unici e meravigliosi (che purtroppo sono sempre più rari). So che sei incapace di fare del male e di fare un torto. Come dice Vale: sei una Signora in tutti i sensi. Io non capisco proprio cosa sta capitando nel mondo blogging italiano… sono estranea alle dinamiche e soprattutto mi rendo conto che l’umiltà appartiene a pochi. Tu fai un lavoro meraviglioso nel tuo spazio rosa e chi, come me, ti segue da tanto sa quanta passione, amore e tempo dedichi ogni volta.
    A parte il mio pensiero, volevo dirti che sei strepitosa con questo outfit e gli occhiali li adoro! Meravigliosa la giacca.
    un bacione
    Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary – Fashion blog

  22. ilbellodiesseredonna - Febbraio 5, 2015

    molto belle le scarpe, anche la giacca davvero bella.

  23. Natalia - Febbraio 5, 2015

    Sorry to hear about the negative experience, Valeria. And unfortunately it’s not limited to Italy… I’ve been through a few, especially because I also consider myself a friendly person. I thought, naively, that bloggers are nice to each other because support is incredibly important, but trust me, my “puppy outlook on life” turned really sour when I first met a few girls and tried to start a conversation (it was a big blogging event that, frankly, put me off events like that forever). But the good thing is that there are always, always great people around and eventually you bump into them. x

  24. Shaira Manalo - Febbraio 5, 2015

    Wow, your outfit is so nice Mommy Val! <3 Looking like a rock star chic <3

    Have a nice day! 🙂


  25. KizzyDoll - Febbraio 5, 2015

    You look wonderful my dear…love your shoes as well :)) I hope you’ve been having a great week 🙂 xx

  26. chiclifestyleofewelina - Febbraio 5, 2015

    I live in Dublin and I’m a bit like you. I do what I like. So i’m not trying to be somebody else in order to get more readers. But in relation to your question- I actually have no idea how it is.


  27. Shirley Tay (Blackswan) - Febbraio 5, 2015

    Coco, the first thing that caught my eye is that colourful bag! Then I spotted your lovely shoes!! Gosh, I love them all! xoxo

  28. glamourzone - Febbraio 5, 2015

    so beautiful.You look so chic.
    very beautiful

  29. Federica Fila - Febbraio 5, 2015

    sei bellissima con questo look <3 gli occhiali poi sono stupendi!
    un bacione


  30. TruccatiConEva - Febbraio 5, 2015

    Sempre stupenda tesoro!!! Le scarpe sono una meraviglia!
    Baci e abbracci!

  31. Nequeren Vitoria - Febbraio 5, 2015

    Que show de imagens look perfeito essa bolsa esta tudo de bom
    Vídeo Novo:

  32. Underemployed1 - Febbraio 5, 2015

    Wow. I must really live under a rock. Which, by the sound of it, may be a GOOD thing.

    I blog because I like to write and need the therapy. I’ve been blogging for almost five years. Occasionally, I’ve stirred up a little recognition and interest. That has been exciting – I won’t lie – but the best part has been the people who tell me that I’ve helped them. For them, and for myself, I write, I blog.

    Fashion bloggers, believe it or not, were the first people to notice me and many of them have continued to support me through the years. I have made lifelong friends, and I consider you one of them (thank you for your advice on my travel fashion crisis). I can imagine that the “fashion world” is a cut-throat business – so much money involved! And I’m sure that a certain percentage of people involved are a huge pain-in-the-ass. “The Devil Wears Prada.”

    But isn’t fashion blogging all about making fashion fun and inspiring for the “little people” like me? I don’t care about Gucci. I can buy it at a thrift store for less money than lunch. I DO care about seeing how beautiful people (like you) dress themselves so I can do that, too.

    And you inspire me. You really, really do.

    Don’t be discouraged. Like high school, the “in crowd” is only about themselves, and can be safely ignored. They usually wither and fall off the vine as soon as people stop paying attention to them. And they seldom prosper in the long run. That, at least, has been my experience and I’ve been to enough reunions to know that it is true.

    Hang in there, bella. You are beautiful and talented and we all adore you. Blog because you love it, and don’t let those silly people bother you. Say the word and I’ll go beat them up. Easy, because they’re mostly skinny wimps.

    And I love, love, LOVE your little designer’s necklace! What a great idea!

  33. Kyle Rodriguez - Febbraio 5, 2015

    Very cool outfit! I love your jacket and clutch <3

  34. leah - Febbraio 5, 2015

    You look beautiful – love the outfit! & I do think fashion blogging is hard sometimes and stressful to keep the nice outfits coming! x x

  35. CharloJiho - Febbraio 5, 2015

    I love your sunnies !

  36. MariaTamara - Febbraio 5, 2015

    Im not a fashion blogger, but i read blogs about fashion and I know, that in my country it can be really mean world. I think that the main reason for this is competitive character of whole fashion world, and that bloggers are under a big influence of this.

    You look beautiful in this outfit:)

  37. styleontheside - Febbraio 5, 2015

    Don’t give up! This industry is tough and can be very mean wherever you are. You have beautiful style. From scanning through the other comments I see that I’m not the only one who supports you!

  38. Rena - Febbraio 5, 2015

    My dear beautiful Coco, I’m so sorry that you have to hide your eyes behind sunglasses although I know how it is in this blogger world. What you obviously experience in Italy can unfortunately also happen in Germany … and sometimes I really ask myself why I do this blogging thing. But as far as I like it in that way I do it until now I will continue. All the best for me my dear friend!
    Baci from Germany/Bavaria, Rena

  39. Rena - Febbraio 5, 2015

    Please continue, you have not only a wonderful blog, you are further an outstanding, intelligence and humorous woman, with a fantastic sense of style <3 xx Rena

  40. Italian Fashion Lover - Febbraio 5, 2015

    Ciao Fashion Blogger!!
    Ray-Ban stupendi! Li voglio anche iooo!!

  41. Svetlana - Febbraio 5, 2015

    REally nice 🙂
    I like the clutch 🙂


  42. Christine - Febbraio 5, 2015

    Such a sexy outfit Coco! Absolutely love your jacket and shoes.. very chic!

  43. Tiina L - Febbraio 5, 2015

    I guess there are those people everywhere, they think they have the monopoly on fashion, for one reason or another. I don’t read those blogs, they’re boring. I have zero interest in identikit self-proclaimed ‘fashion experts’ chasing the latest trends and competing for the most ridiculous outfits. I live in the real world, I have limited funds and other demands for my time, I’m no supermodel and I only wear clothes that look good on me, whether they’re trendy or not. And I often feel that fashion designers are useless and let me down. Yet, I did study fashion, ages ago. But I still think that style is what matters, and style requires that you are real, have personality, and constancy over time. That’s what I look for in blogs, and probably many other women do, too. I think it’s time we reclaim style as every woman’s right, and tell the ‘fashion expert bloggers’ exactly how ridiculous their so-called outfits are. Stay true to yourself, there are many women out there who can identify with you and appreciate your opinions and advice.

  44. Lux Ganzon - Febbraio 6, 2015

    I like your Ray Ban and your jacket. 🙂
    It’s rocking and still so feminine.

  45. sera - Febbraio 6, 2015

    your bag is amazing<3


  46. akiko - Febbraio 6, 2015

    Good styling Coco!
    I often use sunglasses.
    Your sunglasses is cool and sexy!!


  47. Anett - Febbraio 6, 2015

    Mi dispiace che ti senti giù 🙁 Ci vorrebbero più persone come te nel mondo del blogging (e anche nel mondo in generale) – dolci, vere, belle dentro e fuori. Gli occhiali comunque sono bellissimi :))

    Bella Pummarola

  48. Maliha - Febbraio 6, 2015

    That Clutch and those shoes!!!! <3 <3
    Maliha Rao / Red Alice Rao

  49. Rumela - Febbraio 6, 2015

    omg love the outfit just perfect. You look gorgeous.

  50. Deniz at Dressed Up Deniz - Febbraio 6, 2015

    Such an edgy chic look – love it!

    – Deniz

  51. ManueLita - Febbraio 6, 2015

    è rimanendo te stessa che puoi dare il meglio di te !!!! del resto fregatene!!! io sono giù come te ma non per il mondo del blog , lì me ne frego …. nella vita privata invece ….. in questo mondo non mi trovo più bene
    bacio e qua hai un’alleata

  52. shareasecret - Febbraio 6, 2015

    That leather facket rocks!!!!


  53. Marina - Febbraio 6, 2015

    Gli occhiali sono splendidi, ma trovo la collana di una dolcezza unica! <3

  54. Marcela - Febbraio 6, 2015

    Lovely look!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!!!:)))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  55. Dania - Febbraio 6, 2015

    Tesoro tu hai una vita che esula dal blog e dal mondo della moda in se..intendo dire che il tuo lavoroè un altro,hai una famiglia, insomma sei una donna realizzata al di la del fashion system.
    Questo è unospazio che tu ami e curi e chedeve riflettere cioche tu sei…e poi francamente se le top influencers sono quelle proclamateda stupide classifiche fatte da un gruppo di gente senza nessuna qualifica…beh augurati di non diventarlo mai!
    Bellissima la clutch..e basta mettere gli occhiali da sole per coprire gli occhi tristi..fuori la grinta te l ho detto anche in chat..


  56. debra - Febbraio 6, 2015

    Oh my dearest. Yes. People can be catty everywhere. The good news is that we don’t have to react to their nastiness. I feel the same as far as being naive. Here’s what I like to say. I know what I know. So you’re not a rocket scientists; but those are the very people who look to bloggers like us. Cheer up my lovely. Better days are ahead.

  57. ivana split - Febbraio 6, 2015

    I’m sorry to hear about your unpleasant experience. I think this happens everywhere, not just in Italy. Perhaps because in Italy there is a more developed fashion industry than in some countries, there is also more (and perhaps more unjust) competition.

    I’m sure that unfair play and arrogance never pays off in the end. It seems to me that some of those bloggers that are featured in the magazines and regard themselves as ‘famous’ don’t bother to answer questions and they certainly never return visits. I read blogs that I like regardless of the fact will they or not read my blog, but I just think some people should be more thoughtful of their readers.

    Many of us have also experienced negative criticism that was in no ways constructive but a result of pure malice. I, for example, never expected it as my blog was never an ambitious project but they were people who have written negative comments and of the kind that I really have no response to. What can you write to a person who tells you that you should close your blog? I mean all you can say is ‘Mind your own business’.

    Nevertheless, I got to know a lot of wonderful people (like yourself) trough blogging, so that has been a big plus. Advantages of blogging are still more important that disadvantages and that’s why I keep doing it.

    There was another project that I started years before this blog of mine. I made you-tube videos in which I explained Croatian grammar to those that would like to learn it…I was , for instance, often asked by immigrants to help them with their mother tongue and have indeed helped some (for free) in my spare time, joining those online language learning communities and so on.

    You wouldn’t believe the comments I got from some people (not those who actually watched the lessons because they would usually thank me) but from other Croatian people. They would follow my comments looking at every word, searching for a typo, some kind of proof that despite the fact that I’m a language teacher I make mistakes…naturally, I make mistakes…we all do:) I mean what is the reason for this jealously and hostility? They were so mean. In the end I gave up because the hostility was too much for me but I didn’t delete that channel and I still get comments from people thanking me for putting up those videos.

    Sometimes in life, you have to do something you feel that is right to do, even if that doesn’t bring you any results, even if you have problems because of it. When we do something for the right reason, than we’re truly living.

  58. Enara - Febbraio 7, 2015

    I love the outfits all the items are great, very good combination. xoxo

  59. Susannah - Febbraio 7, 2015

    I looove your clutch, beautiful and great sunglasses xx

  60. Chiara - Febbraio 7, 2015

    Bellissima giacca!

    Un abbraccio

  61. rebecca - Febbraio 7, 2015

    cute outfit, i love a good jacket. It goes with almost anything!
    rebecca // xx

  62. Izael Garrido - Febbraio 8, 2015

    Oh my god your style is impecable <33
    Good pictures too :DD can't wait for your next one!

  63. M&MFASHIONBITES - Febbraio 8, 2015

    Nice sunglasses and cute jacket 🙂 LOOKBOOKSTORE AND M&MFASHIONBITES GIVEAWAY! To enter :

  64. Paolo - Febbraio 8, 2015

    Sembra difficile essere una fashion blogger in Italia, ma dai commenti precedenti deduco che anche le fashion blogger internazionali vivono la stessa esoerienza. Belli gli occhiali da sole, Ray-Ban per me è il top. Kiss

  65. Tany (Teresa Leite) - Febbraio 9, 2015

    Keep true to yourself and hang in there, Coco! You’re a true fashion blogger by my book and your honesty, preference for national brands and products and your lovely personal style is what makes me returning for more and more.
    Fashion blogging in Portugal isn’t taken seriously; people see you as shallow and stupid and don’t acknowledge the art and creativity. Very few can do blogging as a way of living here,…
    Tany et La Mode
    Tany et La Mode on Facebook

  66. Ananya Tales - Febbraio 10, 2015

    Wow Love the outfit n u look stunning !
    Would u like a follow for a follow??


  67. Natassia Crystal - Febbraio 15, 2015

    You look amazing in that outfit! Perfect for shopping and a evening out on the town! 🙂

    And I love those heels! 🙂

    Geekette in High Heels

  68. Natassia Crystal - Febbraio 15, 2015

    Oh.. and to answer your question. I’m sure there is a bit of back-stabbing in the Netherlands, but I don’t think it’s that much.

    But then again… I might be naive. 😉

    Geekette in High Heels

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